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Author Archives: Lauren Carni

Kentucky Family Law

Estate Planning Challenges for Farm Families

By John H. Ruby |

Farm families have a unique bond to the land they own. In caring for it across generations, they learn to care for their property in a way that you wouldn’t care about stocks, retirement funds, or other assets. When it comes to estate planning, this presents numerous challenges that other families simply do not… Read More »

The Role of Guardian ad Litem in Divorce and Child Custody Cases

By John H. Ruby |

Even in the most amicable and cooperative divorces, it’s rare for there to be zero disagreements regarding child custody. Both parents often have a very natural fear of losing their child or having the other parent manipulate the case in their favor, even if both are actually willing to work together for a fair… Read More »

estate planning

What Are the Roles and Responsibilities of an Estate Executor?

By John H. Ruby |

When someone creates an estate plan, they should confer with their named executor so they understand their duties, what’s expected of them, and what the individual wants for their estate after their passing. Unfortunately, this isn’t always how it plays out. In some cases, a family member only finds out that they’ve been named… Read More »

The Impact of Speeding on Motorcycle Crashes and Fatalities

By John H. Ruby |

Speeding is not only one of the most common forms of reckless driving; it’s also one of the most dangerous. Speeding is a factor in a substantial portion of vehicle crashes and fatalities. The NHTSA reports that 34% of all fatal motorcycle crashes in 2020 involved speeding as a factor. Have you been injured… Read More »

The Importance of Getting a Lawyer Involved Early after a Trucking Accident

By John H. Ruby |

Truck accidents are complex, affecting your physical health, mental well-being, job, and financial security. After a crash, you may want nothing more than some time to recover and think about your next steps. Unfortunately, time isn’t on your side. Although you have two years to file a lawsuit for a truck accident, you don’t… Read More »

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How Ambiguous Language Could Cost You in a Business Contract

By John H. Ruby |

A well-written business contract protects all involved parties. But when you use ambiguous language, either intentionally or unintentionally, the entire contract is in danger of being null and void. To find out how ambiguous language could negatively impact your business, and to discuss your business contracts in greater detail, call John H. Ruby &… Read More »


What the Rise in the Gig Economy Means for Divorce

By John H. Ruby |

Everyone does what they need to get by. In today’s economy, that means that more and more people are turning to gig work. While some people just do a few hours of gig work per week to bring in a little extra, others rely on it entirely for their income. If you or your… Read More »

Can Things I Purchase for My Child Count Towards My Child Support in Kentucky?

By John H. Ruby |

If you pay child support in Kentucky, you may be wondering about the items you buy for your child on top of that support. Child support is often a significant chunk of a parent’s monthly bills, so it’s natural to wonder if your other child-related expenses may decrease it. However, you cannot unilaterally withhold… Read More »

Family (1)

Estate Planning for Baby Boomers

By John H. Ruby |

Baby boomers own nearly 53% of the wealth in the country, which is ten times more than the wealth held by millennials. And studies show that the total value of wealth owned by baby boomer households in the country could be anywhere from $59 trillion to $68 trillion. But despite having such a staggering… Read More »


Estate Planning for Millennials

By John H. Ruby |

If you are a millennial, creating an estate plan is probably not at the top of your to-do list. You are not alone, as many of those who are in their 20’s and 30’s believe that they are too young to think about estate planning. The truth, however, is that estate planning is not… Read More »