Four Ways to Prepare for a Divorce
It can be a difficult decision, but once you’ve reached the conclusion that your marriage cannot survive, it’s time to begin preparing for your divorce. Preparing as far in advance as possible will allow your divorce to resolve more smoothly and quickly, helping you to move on with your new life even sooner. Read on for things you can do to prepare for your Kentucky divorce, and speak with an experienced Louisville divorce lawyer who can guide you through the process.
- Gather important documents: You’ll need to make a full financial disclosure to the court when you file for divorce, which will require you to know your net worth and income. Make sure you have copies of your tax returns, paystubs, and account statements, and consider making duplicate copies in case your spouse removes those records.
- Begin creating a list of which property is separately yours and which is marital: Separate property is property which you acquired either prior to marriage or by inheritance. This property is not equitably divided and shared in a divorce. Over the course of a long marriage, however, it may be difficult to determine which property is separate, and which property you acquired as a couple. Create a list of the property you believe is separate, and in doing so think about how you’ll be able to prove to the court that it is separate, such as through receipts or title documents.
- Save for your divorce: Divorce can be a very expensive process. You’ll need to cover the costs of filing your divorce petition, establishing a new home, and hiring an attorney, among other expenses. Begin setting aside funds as early as possible, so that money isn’t what’s keeping you from getting out of an unhappy marriage. You might also consider obtaining a separate credit card before you file, as divorce can take a toll on your creditworthiness.
- Check your credit score: During a marriage, your spouse may have opened credit lines on a joint basis, or made expensive purchases, all without your knowledge. Check your credit score as early as possible to find out about these costs, and to prepare yourself for any difficulties you might have getting credit after your split. You may also want to invest in a credit monitoring service, so that you’ll be notified if your spouse makes any large purchases or opens additional credit lines after you file for divorce.
And here are four ways you can emotionally prepare for your divorce:
- Give Yourself Time to Grieve: While there is no point in being miserable by living in the past, you must also not rush to cut the cord in an instant and move on as if nothing happened. Remember, there is a time to mourn, and there is a time to rejoice. And somewhere in the middle of these two, lies the time to heal.
- Learn to Deal with the Loss: Even if it was you who wanted a way out of the relationship, a divorce still means a loss. A loss of something that was precious and dear to you once. That loss has now created an empty space in your heart whether you realize it yet, or not. Do not dwell on the past too much, but at the same time, do not brush it aside either. A little time can go a long way to come to terms with the mixed emotions of trauma and to help fortify you for the future.
- Use Therapy to Understand Yourself Better: Sometimes, this process of healing may require you to work through your feelings, to let go of the heavy baggage from your now-defunct relationship. Use therapy to talk out your feelings with a therapist or focus your energy on an activity you like. Therapy is not a go-to solution only when you are in a crisis situation, but it can also help you find the way to become a better version of yourself.
- Rediscover Your Self-Confidence: Helplessness and low self-esteem are normal by-products of an unpleasant divorce. It often leads to thoughts of self-rejection, along with a loss of confidence and belief in your own ability.
If you’re considering divorce in Kentucky, speak with a lawyer as soon as possible about your case by contacting the dedicated, knowledgeable, and compassionate Louisville family law attorneys at the Ruby Law Firm for a consultation at 502-895-2626.