Coping with Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects millions of Americans each year. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that there are approximately 2.8 million TBI-related emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and deaths in the United States annually, with over 837,000 of them being among children. The CDC goes on to say that an average of 155 people in the U.S. die each day from TBI-related injuries.
Traumatic brain injuries result from a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that causes the brain to be displaced. Not everyone who is struck in the head suffers from TBI, and this condition has varying degrees of severity. In the mildest cases, commonly known as concussions, the effects may last only a few days or longer, while in more moderate to severe cases, a TBI sufferer may have to live with a condition for several months or years, and in some cases, permanently.
There are number of ways a traumatic brain injury can occur, some of the most common include:
- Slips and falls
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Being struck by/struck against events
- Assault and other acts of violence
- Sports injuries
- Fires and explosions
Learning to Cope with Traumatic Brain Injury
For those who have moderate to severe forms of TBI, they will have to live with the effects for an extended period of time. While working towards your recovery, you will need to make some lifestyle adjustments to help you more effectively deal with your condition.
Here are some steps you should take to better cope with TBI:
Do What your Doctor Says
With any health condition, it should go without saying that you need to follow your doctor’s orders. But this is especially true with traumatic brain injury. TBI is a unique condition because it affects each individual differently. For this reason, it is not always easy to determine how quickly you will recover, when you will be ready to resume various activities, etc. No one understands your condition more than your personal doctor, so for this reason, be sure to follow all of his or her recommendations.
Simplify your Life
Those who suffer from TBI often have a hard time with the complexities of life. Keeping a schedule that is as packed as it was before the injury will often be counterproductive. Take steps to simplify things by eliminating tasks and activities that are unnecessary and outsourcing those that are necessary, but you may have difficulty handling. You should also try to simplify your daily routine by making it more predictable. For example, wake up at the same time each day, prepare simpler meals and eat them at the same time each day, perform your hygiene tasks in the same order, keep your important items in the same places, etc.
Use Aids to help Jog your Memory
There are many tools you can use to help you remember things and keep you on task. For example, put labels on all of your important items and information, use post-its and sticky notes to keep track of where information is located in binders, manuals, and books, use a whiteboard to post your daily schedule, and take advantage of one of the numerous mobile apps available to help those who are dealing with brain injuries.
Keep a Journal
Journaling is good for anyone who wants to keep track of what is happening in their lives from day to day, and this practice can be especially helpful for those who suffer from TBI. By keeping a journal, not only will you have something written down to go back to and remember what happened each day, you can also use your journal to identify challenges and issues that continually come up and figure out how to deal with them. If you want, you can also share your journal with your doctor or counselor to help gain additional insights.
Enlist the Help of your Family and Friends
For those who are recovering from TBI, the support of family and friends is crucial. Educate those closest to you on your condition and how they can help you deal with it. If you have others living in your household, you will likely need to rely on them to help you cope more effectively with your condition.
Get Legal Help
As mentioned earlier, there are number of ways someone can end up with a traumatic brain injury. And sometimes, the condition may be due to the negligence or reckless actions of another party. If you believe that someone else was responsible for you getting TBI, you may be entitled to compensation. To learn more about your specific case and to find out what your legal rights and options are, it is best to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.
At the law offices of John H. Ruby & Associates, we have extensive experience successfully representing clients who have suffered traumatic brain injuries and other types of personal injuries in Kentucky. We have in-depth knowledge of this area of the law, and we work closely with our clients to help ensure that they recover full and fair compensation for their injuries.
Call our office today at 502-895-2626 for a free no-obligation consultation. You may also message us through our online contact form or stop by our Louisville office in person at your convenience.