John H. Ruby & Associates

How Can I Enforce a Child Support Order in Kentucky?

Woman and her baby
Woman and her baby

Raising a child after you split up from your co-parent is always a challenge. If you’re the primary custodian, this task can become even more challenging when your child’s other parent stops paying child support, leaving you scrambling to make ends meet. If your polite requests for your ex’s compliance with existing child support orders have failed, the state of Kentucky offers other means to obtain the support you’re owed to raise your child. Speak with a skilled Louisville family law attorney for help in obtaining compliance with child support orders.

What can the courts do?

If your co-parent has refused to willingly pay child support, the courts offer a number of ways to obtain payment either through directly withdrawing funds you’re owed or coercing compliance through other means.

Who can help?

The State of Kentucky’s Child Support Enforcement (CSE) department performs a number of roles in the arena of child support collection and enforcement. This office can use all the tools described above to get you the child support you’ve been awarded, but due to the demand placed on the CSE, they can’t always handle your case quickly. A Kentucky family law attorney can respond more quickly, and can also request that the court garnish wages, intercept funds, or suspend licenses. A family law attorney may even be able to help you resolve the issue outside of the courtroom.

If you are facing a divorce, custody dispute, or other issue before the Kentucky family court, seek out compassionate and experienced legal help by contacting the Louisville divorce and child custody attorneys at John Ruby & Associates for a consultation, at 502-895-2626.

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